- Farms
- Warehouses
- Collecting points
- First Gathering Points
- Conversion units and biodiesel plants
- Traders

W o r l d L e a d e r C e r t i f i c a t i o n
Certification according to ISCC EU means certification of biofuel or bioenergy based on specific sustainability requirements. Certification conforms to the requirements of Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), EU 2018/2001.
These biofuels may be of:
The basic parameters for certification are:
EUROCERT is a Greek Independent Certification Body accredited by Greek and International Accreditation Bodies with activity in more than 40 countries globally.
EUROCERT 's team consists of highly-trained and educated auditors with great expertise and experience in their field.
EUROCERT is the first Greek certification body having gained approval by ISCC for biofuel certification according to ISCC EU implementing 2009/28/EC requirements. Furthermore,
EUROCERT has a great experience in verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, being accredited by ESYD since 2005 for verification of EU-ETS GHG emission reports.
Certification by Eurocert means evaluation and acceptance by an accredited and well-respected third-party professional organization.
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